Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Celebrity Virus Spreading

So I was reading The Age Website yesterday/today and was going to write about the article, "To Hell in a hack attack: Christians targeted on Facebook",targeted by the group, 4Chan (also see wikipedia for more information) that brought you lolcats. This probably would have been a lot more interesting and yes I may revist it for future posts.

But then I came across the article titled "The internet's most dangerous celebrities" dum dum, sounded trashy so I clicked away.

Security company, McAfee ranked Jessica Beil and another 14 as the most dangerous, meaning these are the celebrities that are most likely to spread a virus to your computer from searching and clicking away.

Watch out for Beyonce and Jennifer Aniston as well!! oh yes so make sure you save the list and keep it beside you for future reference, for your daily search of all things celebrity of course.

As Jeff Green of McAfee's, said,
"Cybercriminals are star watchers, too. They latch onto popular celebrities to encourage the download of malicious software in disguise"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

...on the topic of internet censorship...

So from the comment of the below post I started looking into internet censorship in Australia, I found this ad from "GetUp, Action for Australia"

They tried to get the ad on Qantas flights to Canberra but were banned for being too political as stated in the article, "No political interference in GetUp ban: Qantas" by The Australian.

More to come... thought I would at least put something up for this week :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Twitter ATTACKED, facebook too

Last week Twitter, Facebook, and Livejournal went down for a few hours. I didn't really care, technology does that right? Then it turns out it was a hacker job. This time it was political. I suddenly became interested. I've been reading about it, and found literally thousands of articles written about this. So it is linked to a blogger who goes by "Cyxymu". I found their livejournal page (couldn't read it though). Feeling overwhelmed I picked a couple to read from sources I knew of.

From CNN.com
From New York Post
From Washington post

There are heaps, all you have to do is google it if you are interested.

It also rang bells of another politically motivated hacker attack that interested me. The Melbourne International Film Festival was pressured to dump a documentary called The 10 Conditions of Love by the Chinese government. (see article here) Their website was also attacked by hackers.

"The hacker with a screen name of "oldjun" replaced festival information with the Chinese Flag and slogans against Rebiya Kadeer, an exiled Uighur leader who features in a documentary being screened at the Festival. The Chinese Government accuses Kadeer of instigating the bloody violence in the Xinjiang region of north-western China in July, a charge she denies." (see source here)

Anyway I'm going a little crazy with the hyper-linking but I do find it all very interesting.

I don't really know what i am trying to say here, but i think that its interesting because even though the web is used as a voice for ordinary people to say anything they like about anything they like, it is all still being governed, overlooked and watched? Anyway I am kind of scared to write anymore on this issue...just in case. But thought it was all somewhat relevant :) Thanks!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I know this guy.


OH NO!! (joking)

"Twitter Attack Brings a Day Without Social Media" by Ryan Tate.

Did this really need an article written about it??? really, yes it's a little annoying but instead I made myself breakfast. It will be ok.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Newspapers and bloggers: isn’t there room for everyone? by Scott Bridges

I thought this might be relevant, found it while looking through Crikey.

Kind of funny though in one paragraph he said..."Any bozo or halfwit with a Wordpress or Blogger account can cut and paste massive swathes of newspaper copy into a blog post, add a line or two of comment, and wait patiently..." See source here Ha which is kind of what I have just done, Bozo.

Sunday, August 2, 2009