Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Newspapers and bloggers: isn’t there room for everyone? by Scott Bridges

I thought this might be relevant, found it while looking through Crikey.

Kind of funny though in one paragraph he said..."Any bozo or halfwit with a Wordpress or Blogger account can cut and paste massive swathes of newspaper copy into a blog post, add a line or two of comment, and wait patiently..." See source here Ha which is kind of what I have just done, Bozo.


  1. Carla, I think this article is entirely relevant to what we're looking at. I thought Bridges' description of Hartigan at the news conference as:

    "Like a cornered soldier in a ferocious firefight, he stood with his back pressed against the wall, haunted eyes open wide, firing his rifle wildly and indiscriminately in erratic arcs at anything that moved"

    really gives the sense of a man whose cashmere jumper is being unravelled by a new generation of media consumers who don't want to be spoonfed news from one source, who want to comment and be involved and generally exercise their basic right to think for themselves. That said, I think Bridges reveals his own sense of journalistic elitism, "pisspoor citizen journalim efforts" indeed!

  2. Guys, wait a minute. I think this is slightly out of context, isn’t it? I mean - it is an opinion piece. But the first few paras - sort of are only a tease - a bit of a mystery, misleading lead, isn’t it? He does go on to completely defend the whole new concept of blogging, etc. Have I missed something here? I don’t think Bridges is the bad guy! Looks like Hartigan is!
